Thursday, June 23, 2016


I've always had a believing spirit. I've never really had major doubts about my faith; I've never sought any sort of concrete "evidence" for what I believe and I've never seen beyond the veil or had some incredible heavenly visitation (which isn't to say I haven't had any remarkable spiritual experiences, because especially in the last four months, I have). There are some who struggle with faith and I have certainly endured some dark times of confusion and skepticism. I know that the fear exists and to an extent, I get it. 

What if there is nothing else? What if there is no meaning, no consequences, nothing after this life. The skeptics say, "I've never seen anything I'd classify as miraculous or amazing or unexplainable, how could I believe in God?" To this I say, please look down at your hand. Spread your fingers. Close it. See how it connects to your arm, to your shoulder, your chest. Please take a moment to really examine how truly remarkable this all is. Something you (and I) take for granted constantly. You can move your body with your mind. You are a magnificent masterpiece of skin, tissue, blood and bones -- they each came together in such a way that enables you to run and jump and dream and cry and sing and laugh.

Now think about all the people you love. The way their eyes look when they laugh, the way they make you laugh. How with one look, they just get you. How they can give you a big warm hug and everything feels better. How could it POSSIBLY be that as soon as that person dies, that beautiful spirit who loves you and gets gone forever? How? Why??

To me, it is clear. Our bodies were masterfully and purposefully created, as well as our spirits and the spirits of those we love. No matter how thick the darkness of doubt, the light of this truth dispels it. Our bodies, our spirits, our loved ones -- not to mention nature. These things are the true miracle of life and to me, cast out all fear that this life is the end. There is no situation where matter collided and led to the MIRACLE that is our planet, our bodies and our spirits.

If after this, doubts still cloud your worried mind, I would encourage you to read this letter.

Grief still consumes me. My hands are shaky, my mind sometimes just randomly goes blank. It's frustrating. Four months later and I'm still scared as hell. But I press forward, trusting in a God who loves me, who loves Mitch and will always have my back. A God who SO clearly has a plan for my life, and each of our lives. I have felt it. I have to believe that there is no pain He would allow me to endure that wasn't -- somehow -- worth it.

"We came to earth to face issues of mortality in the form of trials, temptations, disease, and death. It is essential for us to face personal struggles because opposition is a crucial part of Father’s plan. I suppose everybody will have some kind of an experience where they say, “I’m never going to be happy again.” "Well, we are going to be happy again. That is also a part of the plan. It’s the very nature of it. Hang on and hope. Never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend. Never, ever doubt His love for you. Hold fast to the Atonement. Believe in miracles. When you’ve done all you can do, endure to the end. And remember, hope is never lost."
Jeffrey R. Holland


  1. Thank you for choosing to believe! Your testimony not only lends strength to mine but reassures me that one can choose to believe amid crisis. I have friends who choose not to believe and somehow your words give me hope for them too.

  2. So touching, so deep, so hopeful. Love all of your posts. Thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts and feelings. You're helping me a lot.

  3. Sending you lots of love on your birthday today.

  4. Sending you lots of love on your birthday today.
