Sunday, September 27, 2015


        So, I'm 25! It still feels weird to say! I honestly got to do all of my favorite things on my birthday. I woke up and went to cardio kick boxing with a friend/neighbor/soul sister. It totally kicked our trash but I left feeling amazing. If you haven't tried it before, I highly recommend it. Especially if you have something you can visualize yourself punching in the face ;) We went home and showered and then got mani/pedis. We walked to Firehouse Subs and I got free lunch (free lunch on your birthday, how cool is that?) After that I went to work and took a few awesome clients and it honestly didn't feel like work at all (which is pretty standard, I love my job). I came home to my best friends, my cute husband grilling & a chocolate cake. Does it get better? We all sat around, chatted & reminisced for hours and I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person on the planet.
        And if that wasn't enough my husband surprised me with a panini press (yes. yes. yes!) & Sam Smith tickets! Like, what is this life? I can't say enough good things about that sweet guy. When I came home on my birthday to the cutest party and friends, he was still in his suit from the career fair that day & I could feel that he was a little sweaty which was just really cute because I knew he had raced home from his crazy busy day to get things ready for the little celebration. What a guy. I never knew before what people meant when they said "he makes me melt" but I sure do now ;)
        Anyway, super gushy post. But hey, this is my life. If this is 25, I will take it.

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